Monday, November 15, 2010

Exorcism resurgence in Poland


Reportedly this practise has been remarketed in Poland and USA where churches have trained up priests to perform exorcism on buildings, property, pets and people for payment(not sure how much. Probably depends how rich the clients are.)    Psych trained proffessionals are also reportedly involved in this conjointly with priests as are trained and amateur actors, drama teachers, artists, sales people, accountants and net workers.
 Why exorcism has had a resurgence is because of all of the above people's involvement including celebrities, such as beautiful and talented US screen goddess Gwyneth Paltrow  who has in the past reportedly had a house exorcised.   People enjoy the theatre of the occult as it manifests in  modern popular and subculture such as Gothic and as such is a harmless thing.               However, it takes on a sinister edge according to practitioner's predilections for violence and cultural religious belief systems.         It can also be unhygienic and highly unaesthetic even revolting, violent as mentioned and sexually abusive.   An exorcism at a London gospel church was documented  for television. It was very ugly and disturbing. The exorcism subject was a young female and the exorcist  a middle aged male with mainly female onlookers.  There was dribble, frenzied movement, rolling on the floor, shrieking and possibly drugs. It just seemed like a really bad acting performance and self induced mania.   Why anyone would pay to have this sort of thing done to anyone they cared about is a question.     The program was informative but not nice viewing.     Exorcism can be a very sick and unglamorous thing obviously.