Saturday, November 27, 2010

Circumcision truth

 Some things you need to know about circumcision at the above links.
The above link details the psychopathology of the circumcisor with sexual repression, homosexuality and sado masochism obvious motives for genital mutilation and present in the backgrounds of circumcisors.
These psychological motives are a reason why some people for no religious, cultural or medical reason, are still not against circumcision despite their high education levels and being against other forms of body mutilation.
 Obviously this applies similarly to female circumcision and I have heard evidence of this on ABC radio when they interviewed 2 American lesbian anthropologists who supported the horrific practise among the women of an African tribe they lived with and studied. The disgusting practise involved adult females sexually abusing 12 year old girls. Clearly lesbian pedophilia, so sinister psychological motives are implicated in the practise of circumcision.
 Circumcision has actually been cited as causing homosexuality and this would be likely as the intact penis would be necessary for normal developmental growth. Also the circumcision induced brain damage caused to the circumcised infant when he goes into a state of shock during the mutilation is an obvious cause.             Transvestism has also been traced to trauma and shock suffered in the early growing years.
  A higher proportion of homosexuals are circumcised than heterosexuals and this is discussed in the Foley link.
The above link details circumcision related male infant mortality.