Friday, January 28, 2011

Money and religion
 Why is it that the justice system seems reluctant to recompence those who are swindled by religions and registered charities?           Whilst the phenomenon of brainwashing is real, it's methods are usually probably little more complex than simple sex seduction as employed in advertising and sales industries.                   People who are supposedly spiritually conned should really be regarded as if they were misled by unethical financial advisors and recompensed appropriately.
 Unfortunately the system seems to side with the religious swindlers and although sympathetic words are often spoken by traditionalist church authorities for example in one case where Anglican parishioners were bullied by a grabbing, high living vicar, into donating their life savings to the vicar, a handsome man who used the money for luxury lifestyles including European resort holidays for himself and his glamorous wife.  Yet the complainants are not refunded and there is no industry compensation fund for victims.               
  These sad cases arise continually.   Religion can be viewed as little more than an elaborate front for embezzlement. The State which endorses it by not effectively prosecuting must be viewed as a co conspirator.
 Why is the administration often intertwined with quasi religious systems of embezzlement?   Who are the officials who make decisions to let the fraudsters off and who model government departments and quasi autonomous organizations on the religious rip off model of the parasitical parish?

Abuse started with traditional Christian marriage
  A traditionalist Christian marriage is exposed as a haven for patriachal abuse at the above link detailing the  marital ordeal of an Englishwoman after her life went downhill when the proccess of having a church wedding led to her partner's psychotic personality switch encompassing his total life changing plunge into retrogressive religious mindset manifest in wife abuse and child bashing. Plus he removed the family from housing and made them live in a trailer on an isolated farm in Wales, giving up a profitable business and garnering donations from religious supporters.   He also made appearances on the BBC and became involved in reactionary issues taking the moral high ground whilst abusing his wife and kids and removing them from housing to live in sub standard accommodation.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Giant leap backwards for crime investigation
 Some contributors to the above linked chat forum claim ancient bible code can reveal if a suspect is guilty in the Joanna Yeates murder investigation.    Apparently they have a bible code machine into which they feed in the names of suspect and victim and get a readout confirmation or denial.                            Obviously bible code crime investigation is ridiculously unreliable even preposterous, but then so are lie detector machines, torture, psychics and verbalization which have also been employed by some contemporary crime investigators, according to TV , media and literature.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Beheading in USA not something to ignore
A USA resident muslim Pakistani couple set up a religious radio station to promote their religion to contemporary USA.   Now the husband is on trial for beheading his wife. In his defence he is claiming she provoked the beheading.
 How appalling. Medieval. The guy  appears as a blockhead in the portrait image contained at the above link.  Perhaps alcohol was involved.  His upbringing and education have obviously not equipped him to a fit standard to live in civilization and he is not safe with women at all yet was reportedly hooking up with another wife prior to the beheading. 
 Time and time again naive people's illusions about religion and religious marriages are brutally shattered.              Should a legal ban on the practise of religion or at least some religions be in force in the west? would this stop creeping retrogressive, medieval influences?     It is a very sad day when people are beheading their wife in the USA.      Not least if society is able to absorb such behaviour as a continuance and way of life.     To process each religious atrocity without abhorrence and expulsion of the religion from society is to inevitably experience their insidious incursion into the system and the lives of all people potentially.
 How are these people supposed to realize their religion is unacceptable and abnormal if we do not?           Is this not the same as society turning a blind eye to the dangers of alcoholism or drugs?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Religious pimping/rape gangs
The horrific social problem of people who rape the young as a claimed relief from unnatural restrictions that go with the religious lifestyle is now culminating in trials and sentencing following public exposure of religious rape gangs operating for decades in the west.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bible causes rape
This page from Anders Rasmussen's blogsite implicates the Bible in several thousand years of sexual assault crime against females.
 Deuteronomy is quoted and it is clear that he recommends raping virgins. He had barbaric and  sick attitudes to females and anyone limited to reading such archaic biblical texts is likely to be warped. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Assassins murder 9 year old girl for Jesus
 A child was among the victims of the assassin who shot a US congresswoman and others in a barbaric attack outside a Safeway store in Arizona. The congresswoman, who it seems was the main target, was  pro abortion, anti immigration and pro gun.
 The above link lists prior murders by anti abortion religious fanatics who state that they are murdering people for Jesus.
 Sarah Palin, the former Alaskan governor/vice presidential candidate/beauty queen is once again under scrutiny for having shockingly poor judgement as her promotional campaign material has included graphics of opponents in gunsights.
  In the past Sarah Palin has intentionaly brought to term a Down's Syndrome baby conceived in her 40's and her eldest daughter is a teenage single parent, in mockery of Sarah Palin's policy of sexual abstinance for teen pregnancy prevention and hostility to sex education, prevention and abortion access.  Her views are religious linked. She also hunts polar bears for thrills and is proud of this.
 Several people are wanted in connection with the shooting of the congresswoman, 9 year old girl and others.       
 The total number of people hurt by religious mania also includes those inspired by the brainwashing of elders and priests who remain free, whilst the gullible assassins who have been used will be spending life in prison for their terrible deeds done for their religious beliefs which belatedly they may realize were rubbish.     But there are always fresh people to brainwash so the priests do not care less about these ruined lives.    As they likewise are indifferent to the misery of forced gestation and childbirth.  And the overpopulation and crime waves caused by the immigration related sham marriages they perform and organize to increase church attendance and  funding for various bogus ministrations.
  Logically the fetus is part of the female's body so  obviously she should decide whether to fully gestate it.    However religion traditionally regards females as chattels and religion is causing the gross proprietorial obsessive feelings towards other's fetus, that motivate the anti abortion fanatics.     This shows religion at it's ugliest and makes poignant the need for close scrutiny of religious funding and teachings permitted under law which currently go unquestioned.       These assassins are pitiable for their pathetic, inapproprate obsession with the fetus and their inapproprate support for immigration.  Society needs to take responsibility for the rubbish they have been fed and that has ruined so many lives including theirs.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Witches Bitches
From Romania the above link to a fascinating article sealed with a curse and concerning the compromised position The State is in when it legitimizes superstition and /or religion and attempts to cash in.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Celeb Product Bracelet Placement Recall
Power Bracelets - celebrity trend items that supposedly improve performance are exposed as a mere psychological placebo. See the above link.
 It is unlikely most people would have been deluded by these? Even so sales worldwide are claimed to be millions.  
 Religious trinkets such as Cabal bracelets, crucifix, medallions, rosary beads, worry beads, lucky charms, amulets and assorted paraphernalia, relics and objects enjoy the same type of status in the mind of believers. Claims of spooky power having no actual substance. Just psychological tools.
 Funky but futile Power Bracelets may also be worn purely for fashion purposes and form part of the pantheon of mass market plastic jewellery circa early 21st century.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Exorcise exorcism
 Another exorcism related murder is detailed at the above link.              In previous posts exorcism has been discussed with religious organizations implicated in marketing this primitive practise for popular consumption and profit outside the undeveloped world.                     Young girls, infants and kids seem to be main targets for exorcism with care givers, parents and priests the main instigators of the abuse.  Quite clearly, those accused of being possessed by so called -demons-, are subordinates in the group and the accusers have dominant roles.  When the practise is institutionalized by the church, the whole community is oppressed by the accusations of demonic possession and scaremongering to route out the imagined guilty.           Exorcism training makes this clear. They claim for example that those who express discomfit with religion are possessed by demons.  This serves as an excuse to persecute atheists and to de legitamize criticism and dissent.                                     
 Obviously exorcism is not needed, promotes intolerance and causes abuse and murder.     Seen as pure theatre, it could be harmless entertainment but taken seriously exorcism is dangerous potentially as is all religion.               People need to think carefully before engaging in exorcism nonsense especially as kids are main victims.
 People must be troubled or abused to resort to superstition.         Exorcism's victimization of kids exposes incompetent parenting and cultural anger at kids for existing.   Exorcism is practised in cultures that have a high birth rate.        So the popularity of exorcism could be an expression of the repressed desire for pregnancy prevention.    These poor confused folk that do exorcisms are persecuting  kids for existing.    They simply dont want or need so many kids but their culture makes them repress this and so they are demonizing the excess which is acceptable in their culture. Exorcism is a cultural religious construct designed to proccess negative feelings about unwanted reproduction whilst retaining religious control of people's reproductive lives.