How many atheists in the USA? Analysts believe there are many more than official statistics state. Some say statistics have been fudged by religionists for years with framing of survey questions and falsification of documentation rife.
The fact is many people are not religious and as well as these, there are many practising religious people who are also atheists. Many priests are atheists and have admitted this. A number of Anglican archbishops have admitted to being atheists. The discomfit which most people have with religion is a reflection of their inner atheist.
Atheist organizations are sometimes created to try and stop money being allocated for religious purposes which they see as a waste. Also to try and stop wars and barbaric practises such as circumcision and religious linked overpopulation which contributes to downgraded ecosystem. Nonetheless, atheists can have any point of view on anything they wish, except obviously that which is self definitive.
Atheists have been blamed for the perceived downgrading of xmas, but really, atheists are not forcing anyone to engage in consumerist practises instead of slobbering around nativity scenes. Nor do atheists cause multculturalism. Evidence for this is christian priests complicity in sham marriages.
Meanwhile in the UK, recent survey results reveal levels of public belief in space aliens:
Whilst some such belief is faith based eg Mormons, Scientology and *Heaven's Gate and some is consumerist entertainment cult related eg Trekkies. For most alien belief is just an abstract concept that the universe is vast, chance is alien life is elsewhere than here and one day through science it will be discovered-but not yet(else why wouldnt the media be onto it and it be under contract and selling TimeLife magazine copies?)
The above link details the Heaven's Gate cult. This USA cult constructed a web of grimly evil nonsense partially inspired from Star Trek science fiction imagery and by exploiting the Halles Comet astronomical event for the cult's horrific purpose. They got people's money, got devotees into uniform fancy dress purple and black Trekkie inspired outfits and got people to submit to castration and mass suicide. Who their accountants, lawyers, publishers, publicists and medical professionals were remains largely obscured from public scrutiny.
The sad effects of religious cults can be blamed on conventional religions that lay the ground work for people to be superstitious and susceptible and maintain a system where religion can be used for financial gain and tax avoidance schemes and to achieve the sinister aims of The State. More atheists are definitely needed in USA to change this appalling situation and to stop the USA exporting this religious rubbish.
Why are people who are free from religious belief reluctant to express this in the USA? Find out at this link which details a court case where an agnostic parent was subject to changed custody arrangements by order of a religious judge.