Thursday, November 25, 2010

The art of religious deception

     Prudential dis assemblage is the practise of lieing to get what you want and is referred to in the book- In the rose garden of the martyrs. A memoir of Iran by Christopher de Bellaigue.-
     Perhaps it can be compared to the Jesuit teaching -The end justifies the means -
     Atheists would just call these dubious practises rationalising. Terms such as: the cloak of religion ,shadowy religious mystique and hocus pocus, have been historically employed to reference religious teaching in the art of self deception, lieing and criminality.
 The above link details a diabolical double murder by a professional, father of 10 christian preacher. The man murdered his wife and the husband of his lover and set it up to look like a double suicide in which the betrayed couple had decided to take their own lives out of grief at their spouse's infidelity.   The man subsequently benefited financially from the murder and carried on happily as a christian for 21 years before getting financially scammed and turned in by church elders.
  The ridiculous number of kids the man had, his susceptibility to scamming and to religion and his willingness to murder for financial gain, present a composite of the religious type as multi problematic, irresponsible, callous, and deeply immoral with above average powers of deception.

 Do politicians exploit the machievelian influence of religion to deceive?
For example: What if Tony Blair converted to Catholicism as this might be useful were he to face a war crimes tribunal over Iraq?   Who is on the war crimes tribunal?                            Was Jonathon Aitken working the born again christian card to clean up his image after a scandal?                            Do public officials use religion to put themselves above reproach?                                           Public funding and largesse with public funds is used to buy religious influence.  Julia Guillard did this in competition with Tony Abbott at Australia's last election, and she is an atheist. So this implies a deception link to politics and religion and that religion is a sinister, enabling underlay to The State and something corrupt to be bought off like a third world government.

There have been many cases this year where ministers of religion have knowingly performed sham marriages in conjunction with marriage brokers facilitating illegal UK immigration. Some have been charged with the criminal offence.      If you can untwist the details and get at the truth to expose culpability of the various protagonists in the saga at the above link half your luck.          Religion as usual is in the thick of the mess. Has the  Archbishop evaded justice because it was all too convoluted for the prosecution to deal with effectively? As it says under my banner-I'm a sceptic-.
 -Hallelujah what a fraud-  That the woman at the above link is a Bishop's wife and that she has pulled this obvious and tired old stunt, .such a favorite of spiritual revivalist showmen and medically impossible, is a sad reflection on the religious mind and hierarchy. Unless these pathetic actors admit their performance is pure theatre then they should be prosecuted for fraud and deception and collecting money under false pretenses from gullible people who they have deliberately set out to deceive for financial gain.              Nice of the fat Bishop to let his wife loll around wheelchair bound in public for a decade just so he could cash in. What if such idleness had caused a genuine ailment in the poor used woman?  And does she really think its been worth the diabetes risk, all that sitting around in the wheelchair growing plump while pretending?

 * this is only an opinion about these people derived from common sense and reason. The woman, her husband the Bishop and co conspirators may actually be engaged in group hysteria and in their minds convinced that they are witness to -miracle cures-
 Sadly, religion turns society into a battleground for souls, as is evidenced at the above link where a Muslim hate group has assembled an inconsistent, incongruous, grab bag of festive season social problems and lifestyle choices and flung them out at the public in some sort of bizarre expression of belief but the hardest thing to believe of this is their claim to be good for women and children and that a religion is an STD preventative. Such irrationality actually causes STD's and it is dangerous to propogate untrue medical information.