An Atheist theologian has unravelled her theory of religion at the above link.
As I see it the God construct was male because it was just an expansion of prevailing social systems dating from pre human consciousness back to the lower animals. The father was pack leader and the mother Goddess revered as a sludgy fertility husk symbolized in pre civilization by grain husks and podgy clay Venus dolls likely to be armless and headless. This pathetic ideal female construct of the primitive mind translated into Christianity as Madonna often standing vapid and weepy in statuette form or centrally seated as if marooned on a desert island with brats hanging off her long entrapping skirts as in medieval and later schools of European painting. Yes there was a female God interpretation as gender stereotyped as the male. Historians have recognized this. Convention creates religion. Religions have no inherent existence outside the mind of humanity, are therefore creative, intellectual, constructed fantasies and are not real.