Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Beheading in USA not something to ignore

A USA resident muslim Pakistani couple set up a religious radio station to promote their religion to contemporary USA.   Now the husband is on trial for beheading his wife. In his defence he is claiming she provoked the beheading.
 How appalling. Medieval. The guy  appears as a blockhead in the portrait image contained at the above link.  Perhaps alcohol was involved.  His upbringing and education have obviously not equipped him to a fit standard to live in civilization and he is not safe with women at all yet was reportedly hooking up with another wife prior to the beheading. 
 Time and time again naive people's illusions about religion and religious marriages are brutally shattered.              Should a legal ban on the practise of religion or at least some religions be in force in the west? would this stop creeping retrogressive, medieval influences?     It is a very sad day when people are beheading their wife in the USA.      Not least if society is able to absorb such behaviour as a continuance and way of life.     To process each religious atrocity without abhorrence and expulsion of the religion from society is to inevitably experience their insidious incursion into the system and the lives of all people potentially.
 How are these people supposed to realize their religion is unacceptable and abnormal if we do not?           Is this not the same as society turning a blind eye to the dangers of alcoholism or drugs?