Another exorcism related murder is detailed at the above link. In previous posts exorcism has been discussed with religious organizations implicated in marketing this primitive practise for popular consumption and profit outside the undeveloped world. Young girls, infants and kids seem to be main targets for exorcism with care givers, parents and priests the main instigators of the abuse. Quite clearly, those accused of being possessed by so called -demons-, are subordinates in the group and the accusers have dominant roles. When the practise is institutionalized by the church, the whole community is oppressed by the accusations of demonic possession and scaremongering to route out the imagined guilty. Exorcism training makes this clear. They claim for example that those who express discomfit with religion are possessed by demons. This serves as an excuse to persecute atheists and to de legitamize criticism and dissent.
Obviously exorcism is not needed, promotes intolerance and causes abuse and murder. Seen as pure theatre, it could be harmless entertainment but taken seriously exorcism is dangerous potentially as is all religion. People need to think carefully before engaging in exorcism nonsense especially as kids are main victims.
People must be troubled or abused to resort to superstition. Exorcism's victimization of kids exposes incompetent parenting and cultural anger at kids for existing. Exorcism is practised in cultures that have a high birth rate. So the popularity of exorcism could be an expression of the repressed desire for pregnancy prevention. These poor confused folk that do exorcisms are persecuting kids for existing. They simply dont want or need so many kids but their culture makes them repress this and so they are demonizing the excess which is acceptable in their culture. Exorcism is a cultural religious construct designed to proccess negative feelings about unwanted reproduction whilst retaining religious control of people's reproductive lives.