Monday, November 29, 2010

atheist numbers increase in USA

How many atheists in the USA? Analysts believe there are many more than official statistics state. Some say statistics have been fudged by religionists for years with framing of survey questions and falsification of documentation rife.
  The fact is many people are not religious and as well as these, there are many practising religious people who are also atheists.  Many priests are atheists and have admitted this.  A number of Anglican archbishops have admitted to being atheists.   The discomfit which most people have with religion is a reflection of their inner atheist.
 Atheist organizations are sometimes created  to try and stop money being allocated for religious purposes which they see as a waste. Also to try and stop wars and barbaric practises such as circumcision and religious linked overpopulation which contributes to downgraded ecosystem.          Nonetheless, atheists can have any point of view on anything they wish, except obviously that which is self definitive.

 Atheists have been blamed for the perceived downgrading of xmas, but really, atheists are not forcing anyone to engage in consumerist practises instead of slobbering around nativity scenes.  Nor do atheists cause multculturalism.   Evidence for this is christian priests complicity in sham marriages.

 Meanwhile in the UK, recent survey results reveal levels of public belief in space aliens:
 Whilst some such belief is faith based eg Mormons, Scientology and *Heaven's Gate and some is consumerist entertainment cult related eg Trekkies.        For most alien belief is just an abstract concept that the universe is vast, chance is alien life is elsewhere than here and one day through science it will be discovered-but not yet(else why wouldnt the media be onto it and it be under contract and selling TimeLife magazine copies?)
The above link details the Heaven's Gate cult. This USA cult constructed a web of grimly evil nonsense partially inspired from Star Trek science fiction imagery and by exploiting the Halles Comet astronomical event for the cult's horrific purpose. They got people's money, got devotees into uniform fancy dress purple and black Trekkie inspired outfits and got people to submit to castration and mass suicide.  Who their accountants, lawyers, publishers, publicists and medical professionals were remains largely obscured from public scrutiny.      
 The sad effects of religious cults can be blamed on conventional religions that lay the ground work for people to be superstitious and susceptible and maintain a system where religion can be used for financial gain and tax avoidance schemes and to achieve the sinister aims of The State.         More atheists are definitely needed in USA to change this appalling situation and to stop the USA exporting this religious rubbish.          
           Why are people who are free from religious belief reluctant to express this in the USA? Find out at this link which details a court case where an agnostic parent was subject to changed custody arrangements by order of a religious judge.

Exorcist evangelists murder trial in Ghana

In Ghana a Christian evangelist preacher and a number of other middle aged people are on trial for murdering a woman they accused of witchcraft. The preacher invaded the woman's home and doused the so called-witch-, in kerosene, as a horrific exorcism ritual.

 This follows on from information in the media about voodoo and christian evangelists in Africa conjointly persecuting children they accuse of being witches.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Circumcision truth

 Some things you need to know about circumcision at the above links.
The above link details the psychopathology of the circumcisor with sexual repression, homosexuality and sado masochism obvious motives for genital mutilation and present in the backgrounds of circumcisors.
These psychological motives are a reason why some people for no religious, cultural or medical reason, are still not against circumcision despite their high education levels and being against other forms of body mutilation.
 Obviously this applies similarly to female circumcision and I have heard evidence of this on ABC radio when they interviewed 2 American lesbian anthropologists who supported the horrific practise among the women of an African tribe they lived with and studied. The disgusting practise involved adult females sexually abusing 12 year old girls. Clearly lesbian pedophilia, so sinister psychological motives are implicated in the practise of circumcision.
 Circumcision has actually been cited as causing homosexuality and this would be likely as the intact penis would be necessary for normal developmental growth. Also the circumcision induced brain damage caused to the circumcised infant when he goes into a state of shock during the mutilation is an obvious cause.             Transvestism has also been traced to trauma and shock suffered in the early growing years.
  A higher proportion of homosexuals are circumcised than heterosexuals and this is discussed in the Foley link.
The above link details circumcision related male infant mortality.

Friday, November 26, 2010

France cult list
Space aliens, magic mountains, Armageddon, European/US cult, Nostradamus,Mayan deity, filthy lucre. See above link about a doomsday cult which has inundated the French village of Bugerach to await the said end of the world on December 12th 2012.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The art of religious deception

     Prudential dis assemblage is the practise of lieing to get what you want and is referred to in the book- In the rose garden of the martyrs. A memoir of Iran by Christopher de Bellaigue.-
     Perhaps it can be compared to the Jesuit teaching -The end justifies the means -
     Atheists would just call these dubious practises rationalising. Terms such as: the cloak of religion ,shadowy religious mystique and hocus pocus, have been historically employed to reference religious teaching in the art of self deception, lieing and criminality.
 The above link details a diabolical double murder by a professional, father of 10 christian preacher. The man murdered his wife and the husband of his lover and set it up to look like a double suicide in which the betrayed couple had decided to take their own lives out of grief at their spouse's infidelity.   The man subsequently benefited financially from the murder and carried on happily as a christian for 21 years before getting financially scammed and turned in by church elders.
  The ridiculous number of kids the man had, his susceptibility to scamming and to religion and his willingness to murder for financial gain, present a composite of the religious type as multi problematic, irresponsible, callous, and deeply immoral with above average powers of deception.

 Do politicians exploit the machievelian influence of religion to deceive?
For example: What if Tony Blair converted to Catholicism as this might be useful were he to face a war crimes tribunal over Iraq?   Who is on the war crimes tribunal?                            Was Jonathon Aitken working the born again christian card to clean up his image after a scandal?                            Do public officials use religion to put themselves above reproach?                                           Public funding and largesse with public funds is used to buy religious influence.  Julia Guillard did this in competition with Tony Abbott at Australia's last election, and she is an atheist. So this implies a deception link to politics and religion and that religion is a sinister, enabling underlay to The State and something corrupt to be bought off like a third world government.

There have been many cases this year where ministers of religion have knowingly performed sham marriages in conjunction with marriage brokers facilitating illegal UK immigration. Some have been charged with the criminal offence.      If you can untwist the details and get at the truth to expose culpability of the various protagonists in the saga at the above link half your luck.          Religion as usual is in the thick of the mess. Has the  Archbishop evaded justice because it was all too convoluted for the prosecution to deal with effectively? As it says under my banner-I'm a sceptic-.
 -Hallelujah what a fraud-  That the woman at the above link is a Bishop's wife and that she has pulled this obvious and tired old stunt, .such a favorite of spiritual revivalist showmen and medically impossible, is a sad reflection on the religious mind and hierarchy. Unless these pathetic actors admit their performance is pure theatre then they should be prosecuted for fraud and deception and collecting money under false pretenses from gullible people who they have deliberately set out to deceive for financial gain.              Nice of the fat Bishop to let his wife loll around wheelchair bound in public for a decade just so he could cash in. What if such idleness had caused a genuine ailment in the poor used woman?  And does she really think its been worth the diabetes risk, all that sitting around in the wheelchair growing plump while pretending?

 * this is only an opinion about these people derived from common sense and reason. The woman, her husband the Bishop and co conspirators may actually be engaged in group hysteria and in their minds convinced that they are witness to -miracle cures-
 Sadly, religion turns society into a battleground for souls, as is evidenced at the above link where a Muslim hate group has assembled an inconsistent, incongruous, grab bag of festive season social problems and lifestyle choices and flung them out at the public in some sort of bizarre expression of belief but the hardest thing to believe of this is their claim to be good for women and children and that a religion is an STD preventative. Such irrationality actually causes STD's and it is dangerous to propogate untrue medical information.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Religion family dysfunction link

 Arranged marriage linked to Asian paedophile rape gangs who prey on schoolgirls.

 Phone ban for single females to force arranged marriage.

The religious journey

  Religious driving rules are so unfair and dangerous in some countries that an adult female must sit in the back seat biting her knuckles in fear whilst her 13 year old son drives the car and this is perfectly legal.    Consequently, there are a great many accidents and the rules and obligations in the event of an accident are also ridiculous with instances of injured and dead accident victims left on the road at the site, to be run over by traffic, and motorists just driving over corpses, ignoring crashes and feeling no obligation to stop and assist.                   In such a yob's paradise, if a bunch of young girls breaks out and goes joy riding and subsequently crashes, who could judge this?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

toxic education warning

   The problem of people dying from both ritual and physician performed circumcision is covered in education and training systems, fairy stories and anecdotal nonsensical urban myths, so that a culture of cover up, denial and acceptance in the event of this is inculcated from childhood in the fantastical stories, myths and false notions taught.

 Mothers Against Circumcision are seeking to counter the false information and myths.
 Regarding the above link-People might wonder why a devout religious person would be wanting to teach atheist and other youngsters.  If of any use, school is for academic education primarily. The grim reality is kids could be got at in all sorts of sinister ways by teachers of faith with twisted agendas.     In a true secular state teachers of zero religion are appropriate.    Even if some of the students are religious, the important thing is that they be free from that at school,so they dont get railroaded into religious bigotry.
 How unfortunate that far from this, some teachers are so devout they need religious breaks to middle eastern countries.         Religious events being what they are, a cautious parallel may be drawn between pilgrimage and terrorist training camp events in that they are intended to inspire more fervent devotion in the attendee.     Why would the State wish to bless these? 

pastor for 3 and dont spare the growing things

  Scroll down on the above religious hypocrisy link, to see a really fascinating example of topiary design.  Is someone taking out their frustrations on these poor, sad over controlled specimens in front of the church?
 This pathetic, sad, tragic desire of the human to over control nature could explain the origin of genital mutilation. Circumcision could be the twisted manifestation of religious,societal and cultural repression. 
  Although in the current era it is mainly perpetuated to earn income for practitioners, provide a market for sadistic medical devises and get product for the human body materials industry.    
 Circumcision can no longer be considered a religious or cultural essential since important jews such as Sigmund Freud and the founder of Israel elected not to have their sons circumcised and there are anti circumcision movements within jewish and muslim religions.   The more people know about the practise the less likely they are to be for it.  Thats why proponents resent free discussion in popular media as it exposes the myths and confronts people with the true pointless brutality. Sadists will probably keep up the practise until prevented by law.                
   For atheists, the argument is the same as the one where they keep maintaining you cant prove God doesnt exist so God exists. Humanity would never make any progress in anything if this attitude prevailed.
 Every time Israeli sponsored research launches  a new disease prevention theory of circumcision upon an unsceptical world,  a whole lot of people who should know better jump on the bandwagon. An extended period of suspension of disbelief follows and millions are mutilated before the counter proof is in and wisdom takes effect - but it doesnt because they are ever ready with the next raft of self serving flawed research theory.                   For goodness sake just stop circumcision please. Its absolutely horrible and has caused quite enough infant and male death, infection, shock and brain damage over the centuries its been practised.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Trained to harm and hoodwink

I read the above link about exorcist practices in the UK and I am disgusted that,(among other matters), they get on DSS premises at night to conduct exorcism. Corruptive religious influence on government is revealed by this kind of access to government linked offices which store private citizens data and millions worth of equipment.   This also implies security flaws in the Australian government contracting Centrelink services to religious groups, but the Australian Government gave a million dollars for a Beautification(medieval practise denoting sainthood), party earlier this year, so what would you expect. State linked exorcism could be happening in Australia.  Infiltration of this kind of thing into power circles is ever present.
  How many exorcists and other bizarre and harmful religious entities are trained every year? Clearly this is a money making niche market thing, as the world exorcist conventions in Poland and US evidence. As does evidence of network marketing and celeb involvement.           The continued training of people by religious groups to perform these harmful practises such as exorcism and circumcision and their infiltration and imposition into administrative, health, charity and science sectors is not good at all.                       They seem to be convincing people they need these medieval, pagan and stone age origin rituals and cashing in.                People may think they are just entertaining themselves or following some innocent social purpose when they engage with religion in the modern age, but real dangers are obvious and present and they may be sleepwalking into a trap to divest them of money, liberty and self confidence.                       The feeding back and forth of clients from medical/psych services to exorcists implicates the proffessional and administrative classes in this deep.           When legal issues occur and political decisions are made we then find the whole system is infiltrated and comprimised by retrogressive religious doctrine.      So much harm and expense caused all because religious training in harmful, dangerous rituals is not stopped.   Because religious damage does seep over into the real world  and they do influence non religious practises even in science where decisions have been made in naivite without knowing the origin of the research they are based on.                   When you consider the plethora of discredited, dangerous,sinister therapies, treatments and devises already linked to the psych field  and perpetuated in medical practise, this link to occult practises is no surprise.          

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Airport Medical Experiment

An experiment is currently underway at airport terminals, using the public as guinea pigs to test the efficacy of scanning equipment to cause cancers in humans.  Smaller and slimmer people, such as children, females and those carrying less body fat will be subject to increased doses of radiation in proportion to surface area exposure ratio and internal organ exposure.
 This will be an extension of the hazardous experiments currently underway in hospitals and clinics using CT scanners emitting irregular doses of radiation to give people cancer. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Exorcism Voodoo link

There has been a mass hysteria voodoo exorcism at a Catholic school in Trinidad Tobago.
 Who is behind this?   Satanists could be, according to a leading catholic exorcist who has recently published a book on satanism and demonic influence in the church.

 So are we to look forward to a movie release soon as a follow up to the ongoing exorcism publicity wave?
 This medievalist revivalism in the church distracts attention from the victims of sex abuse by priests. It also exploits the primitive cultural roots of children and adults and is possibly a cover for continued sex abuse.                    Voodoo practises continue and are perpetuated alongside christianity unfortunately.

  In Australia, Prime Minister Julia Guillard, an atheist, gave $1,000,000. AUD to a religious group to celebrate the canonization of an Australian nun.           Of what benefit is this sort of financial frivolity when religion makes many Australians feel uncomfortable, cringe and is bad for Australia's image as a developed nation.           The public crime, expense, unrest, civil disruption and visa violations consequence of the papal youth event had already proved religion is an undesirable retrogressive shambles visited upon the modern era.
 As someone commented of Poland under exorcism-the thing that needs exorcising is religion itself.-

Monday, November 15, 2010

Exorcism resurgence in Poland


Reportedly this practise has been remarketed in Poland and USA where churches have trained up priests to perform exorcism on buildings, property, pets and people for payment(not sure how much. Probably depends how rich the clients are.)    Psych trained proffessionals are also reportedly involved in this conjointly with priests as are trained and amateur actors, drama teachers, artists, sales people, accountants and net workers.
 Why exorcism has had a resurgence is because of all of the above people's involvement including celebrities, such as beautiful and talented US screen goddess Gwyneth Paltrow  who has in the past reportedly had a house exorcised.   People enjoy the theatre of the occult as it manifests in  modern popular and subculture such as Gothic and as such is a harmless thing.               However, it takes on a sinister edge according to practitioner's predilections for violence and cultural religious belief systems.         It can also be unhygienic and highly unaesthetic even revolting, violent as mentioned and sexually abusive.   An exorcism at a London gospel church was documented  for television. It was very ugly and disturbing. The exorcism subject was a young female and the exorcist  a middle aged male with mainly female onlookers.  There was dribble, frenzied movement, rolling on the floor, shrieking and possibly drugs. It just seemed like a really bad acting performance and self induced mania.   Why anyone would pay to have this sort of thing done to anyone they cared about is a question.     The program was informative but not nice viewing.     Exorcism can be a very sick and unglamorous thing obviously.