The overbearing, patriarchal, sexist origin and explanation of religion is clear at the above link about the construction of a New Age religion by a sex pervert to satisfy his worst extremes of desires.
This case is interesting because in capturing a religion close to or at the time of it's formation it demonstrates how and why religions are formed. The truth is not pretty. The patriarch appears as a complete deviant and his followers mainly middle aged females gagging for it. He has them relocating to a street in seaside Wales,tattooing themselves, predating the young and obeying the debauchery guidelines in his "bible" textbook of rules.
A Queensland origin Australian religion has also been created to abuse and rob people, with females and children the main victims. Polygamy, females used as baby machines, wife beating, intentional procreation of disabled offspring, harbouring of fugitive murderers, holding children back from education opportunities and requisitioning devotee's earnings are features of this group which is a Christian sect run by an old male who has children by multiple wives. The adoption of eastern names and biblical language, compulsory female scarf wearing and praying thrice daily lend a familiar ring. Is there anything new in the world of these stupid religions which repeat themselves in endless reconfigurations and all for the same money making purpose, sex with minors and to control women?
The above link details the conclusion of the trial of the Welsh cul de sac sex cult set up by South London predator Colin Batley under the inspiration of the son of a wealthy Quaker priest- the infamous Aleister Crowley.
Crowley practised bestiality with goats, among other practises. Batley drew from Crowley's religious publication- The Book of Law - , to predate and control initiates. Crowley, in turn, drew on -The Christian Bible-, as material background for the devil worship cult ethos he lived by and proselytized in the naive early 20th century Scotland where he was based in a house on the shore of Loch Ness. Crowley was sometimes referenced as -The Loch Ness Monster - such was his infamy. Misguidedly, some people like to see Crowley as a libertarian, but this is absurd as he did not value female liberty(he advocated rape), and sickly abused lower animals for his perverted pleasure(sex with goats).
Were it not for his childhood experiences of the religious hypocrisy of his abusive priest father, Crowley would never have been moved to react within a religious context and create his own twisted religious characterscape.