The intrinsic nature of religion causes a power imbalance that favours male authority and so rape and abuse of females, subordinates and devotees is institutionalized and goes unpunished. Sickeningly the victim is blamed as in the case at the above link where an underage girl was repeatedly raped by a church official. The pastor then made the victim apologize to the congregation! Then the girl was unwilling to abort a pregnancy and was hustled off to have it and give it up for adoption. Religious brainwashing, no doubt robbed her of both her childhood and the rational ability to abort the rapist's offspring.
The hypocritical rapist did suggest abortion-probably to eliminate the living DNA evidence of his crimes. This is evidence of religious authorities selectively permitting abortion when it conveniences them whilst brainwashing subordinates and devotees into relinquishing their right to autonomous choice. So that the poor girl having been saddled with religious conditioning against her own best interests endured the trauma of underage childbirth and adoption saga blighting her for her entire life. Plus her perfect teenage body stretched and put through the rigour of 9 months lost to gestating a baby that would ultimately be given to somebody else who didnt have to go through that. What a fool religion makes of people.
They do this sort of thing to women like the poor person who was caned for adultery by absolute rubbish authorities in front of a crowd of absolute rubbish onlookers in Indonesia recently. This puts all religions in the same basket of poisons and establishes poignantly that religion is an immense crime against females and all civilized people and society.