Who knows what horror and violence this extremely disturbed lady experienced that caused her to do something this terrible.
One can only speculate at this stage until such time as the facts are known in court and analysed, perhaps the truth of why and how she could do this will be clear.
Arranged marriage and subsequent childbirth for cultural reasons may be a catalyst for madness and there is much evidence of high incidence of psychosis in parties to these religious partnerships for the purpose of childbearing. Females can enter these relationships as chattels and be in shock as their disempowerment and misery lock in. They may find themselves forced into intimacy with a stranger. Childbirth is a part and extension of the torment for them and can send them over the edge.
Drugs are often a part of this kind of religious existence, with the purpose of lulling the senses and extinguishing intellectual argument and as is well known, mind altering substances are implicated in brain tissue damage. With unpredictable effects and consequences.
If people really wish to hide behind the grim, concealing garments with only eyes showing, maybe this is actually an indication of imbalance in the person beneath the dark religious garment. I have never heard of an Atheist wearing such apparel or of doing this to a child.
There is a religious precedence for infanticide in the Bible, when God asks that a child be offered for sacrifice to test faith and then reneges after the parent agrees and delivers the child to God for sacrifice. The barbaric and inhumane practise of circumcision is another brutality that looks to the Bible for justification.
Religion is not supposed to come to this and yet it has and not surprising.
Diminished importance of females is also a legacy of religion. Was this child murdered because she was female?